Tuesday, February 21, 2006

[Insert pithy title here]

Phew. I should apologize for being out of it the past couple of days. Okay — I really should be apologizing to my coworkers and my husband, because they get the brunt of the retaliation. I generally try to sanitize things before they get in the blog.

Aww dammit ... I just sneezed on the monitor. Guess it's not so sanitized after all.

Anyway, the short version: I've got PMS and Jeremy's staying with us for a few days. I don't mind that at all; he treads lightly and puts up with my messy house and inability to cook. But it's always weird having someone in the house, even somebody who's seen me without makeup before. I have to remember to be somewhat of a lady (e.g. not letting out a window-shattering burp like I would if it were just Paul). ::grins::

Jeremy snapped at me this morning. It pissed me off. It's not my fault that he can't get along with his wife or his mother. Nor is it my fault that he skipped work today. I love the boy to death, but he can be very frustrating and energy-consuming. Paul says Jeremy is a psychic vampire. Maybe Paul is right.

So without futher ado, I'm going to go watch the Olympics and dream of being someplace cold (like Turin). Who knows — maybe within a year I will be someplace cold. In any case, I'm already planning and saving for the 2010 winter games in Vancouver. Yaaaaay Canada!

And before I sit down and relax, I'm going to make a cup of super-rich and very expensive gourmet hot chocolate. That stuff is like PMS tonic. :)

P.S. Speaking of the Olympics, I feel so sorry for Italy's Carolina Kostner for her fall during the short program today. The fall was bad enough, but I'd be really embarrassed by the photo snapped by Reuters. Heh. Better her than me.


Blogger TheKing said...

You dirty cock-sucking whore.

7:13 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

at least she was wearing some undies ^_^

7:14 PM  
Blogger StargazerGirl said...

My question is...was the photographer wishing she wasn't? Imagining that she wasn't???

Poor chica. "Hey Mr. Photo Guy, let me show you where I can shove my toe pick..."

7:41 PM  
Blogger De said...

I have seen the light and it is ice skating porn.

9:11 PM  
Blogger Monstee said...

Me don't know...
Me still think maybe a zamboni works better.

2:14 AM  
Blogger angrygrrface said...

Hey, maybe falling on her ass and showing her vagina to everybody in the world was part of her routine.

3:16 AM  
Blogger angrygrrface said...

"That's no way to get your daddy to notice you!"

3:16 AM  
Blogger smacky said...

I really should be apologizing to my coworkers and my husband...

No, no, no! It's your blog friends, your coworkers, then your husband. Keep it straight!

7:30 AM  
Blogger Slain said...

George ~ pls speak kindly to da lady, shes one of my best friends!!

if u have a gripe, we'd like to hear it.

Kate is such a do-gooder, she really doesnt deserve to be insulted, kay?

1:49 AM  

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