Wednesday, February 22, 2006

To do: (1.) Sew handkerchief into underwear

I have realized my limitations today: I cannot pick up a matchbook with my second and fourth fingers and put it on a pack of cigarettes without moving my middle finger.

Try it. Then kick yourself because it's so damn easy and you probably can't do it either.

I found this out after work today, after a few coworkers and I ended up at a bar. (I drank a Coke. Someone else paid.) It's always nice seeing the other side of people you thought you knew pretty well. I'd say more, but I was sworn to secrecy: "What happens at the bar stays at the bar."

No problem. Same time, same place next Wednesday. I'm looking forward to it. After a month or so of waking up every morning and dreading going to the office, it's nice to have something fun to look forward to.

I came across some old files recently (Goldmine! More on that some other time...), and among them was a list of links I bookmarked when I was in college.

Here's one to gawk at: Hanty Panty. It contains instructions on how to make panties out of a handkerchief. Boxers and bras, too. Frankly, I don't see how most people could fit into a hanty, but more power to those who can — and want to cover their nether regions with a handkerchief.

Oh! And check out the neckties that have been turned into thongs "for lady and male man." Very ... innovative.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

does wearing a hanky count as undirs, a thong, or a tarzan covrup?

11:59 PM  
Blogger De said...

Maybe I should have packed some handkerchiefs this past weekend.

8:18 AM  
Blogger angrygrrface said...

hey, uh, gross.

5:17 PM  
Blogger Slain said...

doez this include dem used-hankies??

1:51 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

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2:03 AM  

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