Sunday, March 05, 2006

And I worry I'll end up just like him...

This afternoon, I saw one of my old bosses from my internship days. He looked haggared and tired, like a ghost of the guy I used to know. It was eerie, as if during some point in the last five years, something had sucked the life out of him, leaving him pale and gaunt and worn down.

And, you know, it worries me a bit. When I mentioned how work was kicking my butt, I meant it in a mental, emotional sense. But now I'm afraid that I'm going to end up like him (like most of them): lonely and frustrated, living for my work ... and not realizing I'm becoming tired and old before my time.

Many of those editors were wonderful to me; they built me up and helped me hone my abilities. But their myriad eccentricities have turned them into caricatures in my mind, the epitome of what I don't want to become. Am I destined to end up like that?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

nah, you are too awesome, and i wont let you

11:38 PM  
Blogger smacky said...


But you're aware of the potential problem, and as GI Joe says, knowing is half the battle!

7:19 AM  
Blogger Slain said...

Kate ~ smacky is right. knowing is half the battle.

kae serra serra, whatever will be, will be..::hugz::

2:55 AM  

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