Saturday, March 25, 2006

Cue up Simon & Garfunkel's "Homeward Bound"

I know I'm going to catch hell for this picture. ::grins::

Carrie went home today. How could a week go by so fast?! There's something that sucks about driving home alone that makes me kind of queasy. Last year, Jeremy met me at the terminal when Carrie left so I wouldn't have to cry alone. This year, it was just me. I got lost on the way to the airport and on the way home. How's that for "upset to the point of oblivion"?

I messaged Jeremy on the way home. "Why is it so hard?" I asked him. "Because for the past week, you've remembered what it's like to have her around, to have a friendship that's not emotionally trying. And now it's gone again," he said. I gritted my teeth at the little jab in his words — he must have read my post the other night — and admitted he was right. Carrie and I can say the same thing at the same time. She can finish my sentences and laugh at my off-the-wall jokes. And for a week, it was like she'd never moved away.

Also, she's forgiven Jeremy for dumping her at prom eight years ago ... which is a good thing, since they spent most of the past week together and had to share a bathroom at my house. (It takes a patient woman to live with me and Paul ... and whatever random houseguests drop by.)

This week, wild woman drank half a shot of rum and vodka (!), learned how to make hemp necklaces, bought a jar of hot chocolate and new sunglasses, and ate more than any 90-pound woman should be able to hold in her body. And she found out that grape Pez taste like ass.

It sucks that now I'm back to best-friend-lesssness, but at least we're always on AIM and the phone. And I'll head down to Jacksonhell — err, Jacksonville — in the next few months to bother her and hang out on the beach. Or maybe I can just force her to fly back to Memphis to pick up the cell phone charger and R2D2 Pez dispenser she left behind. If I were nice, I'd just FedEx them back to her ... but that's no fun, now is it?


Blogger Big said...

if you decide to go to jacksonville, you need not take me, big brown bear because i might MOLD.

you should send grumpy

11:39 PM  
Blogger StargazerGirl said...

Yeah, best-friend-less-ness is crappy. Maybe I can make arrangements to visit with the rents in May...

...cause it sounds like my R2 pez and cell charger are going to be held hostage otherwise.

And Jacksonhell? Ok, yeah, pretty much. But we DO have the beach. Just don't come during the rainy season this year, and PLEASE bring no hurricanes...

(Bad hair Carrie pic...ahhhh!)

11:41 PM  
Blogger Monstee said...

Virtual hugs to you both!

7:46 PM  
Blogger Slain said...

u 2 r priceless!!!

yeah, dont uze FedEx..after all, what are friends for? ;)

1:15 AM  

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