Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Fred told her friends about us

Every time I see Carrie, it rains.

Over the July 4th weekend, I drove to Jacksonville to visit her. (Remember? I had Paul, Jeremy, and The Bitch in tow.) It started raining the day we got there; it stopped raining the day we left.

Likewise, it's been raining since she arrived in Memphis Saturday night. (It looks like it might clear up today – knock on wood.)

On the way home from Starbucks last night, Carrie and I drove past Fred walking down my street in the rain. I'd just bought new cat food for her (no more Science Diet, thanks), and I wanted to coax her inside to try it out.

I stood in the middle of the street and called for Fred ... and I was surprised when two cats came running. Paul let me bring both inside — he had no choice, really — and Carrie popped open a can of Fancy Feast for each. Just as I surmised, it didn't take long for Paul to fall in love with the little furballs. He's told me they can come inside as long as they don't stay the night.

So now I've got two cute kitty-girlies: Fred and Bob. Yay, Fred and Bob! :)

P.S. Speaking of cats, check out Stuff On My Cat, where users submit photos of ... stuff on their cat. You can browse the archives by category, e.g. "Housewares On My Cat," "Business On My Cat," and "Nature On My Cat."


Blogger StargazerGirl said...

It must be raining in Memphis due to a residing Hurricane. :P

And kitties are fun. Let's go stand out in the middle of the street and see if we can get THREE cats this time. And when all the neighbors wonder why their cats are getting so fat, we have NO IDEA, right? *hides all the Fancy Feast cans*

12:39 PM  
Blogger smacky said...

This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

2:27 PM  
Blogger smacky said...

Stuff On My Cat is a fun site. I mean, the cats must not mind, right? They sit still for it. Unless they've all been drugged...

(First post deleted due to stupidity)

2:28 PM  
Blogger angrygrrface said...

Hopefully the next time you call for Fred, a lion or something will show up, too.

6:02 PM  
Blogger Kate said...

::grins:: Smacky, your secret is safe with me.

... Well, for a little while, at least.

10:55 PM  
Blogger StargazerGirl said...

"Here, kitty, kitty, kitty..."


I wonder if 2 foot earthworms respond to "here kitty, kitty," too. (seeing as one appeared in the house today.)

11:13 PM  

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    Truth in advertising
    I'll Buck your Star anytime!
    Just what are YOU looking at?
    Some people don't talk no good
    Talk about your family heirloom
    Everybody say hi to Fred ...
    And thus we discover I'm not well-suited for the s...
    The grand ol' party outside my door
    Here kitty, kitty...