Wednesday, March 08, 2006


The office has hired a contractor to work on the ventilation around the office. Finally, I'll have functional air conditioning in The Closet!

Some work is also going into the bathroom across the hall because the intake vent (the thing that sucks up all the bathroom stinkiness) was assembled backwards by the last contractor. That means the vent has been blowing instead of sucking ...

... which means that all the pleasant (ahem!) bathroom odors have been blowing right out the doorway and into my office three feet away.

Today, one of the contractors was walking by a coworker's desk, and my coworker said, "I heard the bathroom vent was put on backwards." The contractor replied, "Ma'am, that's nothing. At this restaurant I was doing some work at a while back, the cook was cooking the beans backwards!"

... Uh ...

What the hell does that mean?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

i can only assume cooking backwards means through the butt and the window is a metaphor for the cook's ass

11:47 PM  
Blogger smacky said...

"cooking the beans backwards..."

All I can say is you've discovered a phrase that has NO listings on Google. No one, in the history of the internet, has ever said that.

That fact by itself is awesome (in this case meaning "filling one with awe.")

11:41 AM  
Blogger smacky said...

I did find ONE instance of the statemrnt your coworker made on Google (though I had to alter the phrase slightly, to read: "The vent was installed backwards"

11:44 AM  
Blogger angrygrrface said...

According to Lewis Black, this is how aneyrysms form. "If it weren't for my horse, I never would have spent that year in college..."

6:23 PM  

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