Monday, March 06, 2006

It's HER Big Break

Meet Johanna.

Johanna has a national bestselling book titled "The Next Big Thing." This is incredibly annoying because Johanna is only 27 years old and ... oops, there I go comparing myself to other people again.

Anyway, Johanna has a new book coming out tomorrow titled "Your Big Break," and you should buy it for no other reason than she's an awesome writer, a really down-to-earth chick, a fellow blogger, and a real-life friend of mine.

Locals: She's signing books Wednesday at 6 p.m. at Davis Kidd, 387 Perkins Ext., and Saturday at 2 p.m. at Barnes & Noble - Cordova, 2774 N. Germantown Parkway.

And if you're too far away to get to the signing, check out this post on her blog: Redrawing the map. Had me giggling a little too loudly at my desk (one of the few times I'm glad I'm hidden away in The Closet).

So today, my boss was at a conference and another coworker was off due to a family emergency. I had a temp come in and help some, so I guess I wasn't doing the work of three women, but I'm fairly certain I was doing the work of at least two. I'm tuckered out!

Overall, things went really well (except for having to fix the damn date: "What do you mean tomorrow's not Wednesday?"), but I made it through without panicking, stressing, crying, or bitching. I'm very proud of myself, and will most likely reward myself with a non-diet Coke at dinner! ^_^

Carrie comes to town in two weeks, and I can't tell you how badly I need the vacation. Maybe I need to put nose to grindstone, write the Great American Novel a la Johanna, and then make good use of the resulting huge wads of cash to take a permanent vacation north of the border.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

if you take a permanent vacation, can i come and leach?


7:17 PM  
Blogger smacky said...

You like it cold, or just looking at their health care system? I like snow, but spending the rest of my life in Canada ain't gonna happen.

7:10 AM  
Blogger Johanna said...

Ahhhhhhh!!!!! Thank you! I don't know what to say. I'm totally humbled.

1:36 PM  
Blogger Slain said...

Kate ~ kinda cute too ;)

pls invite me fer all-expense paid hollidayz when u go 2 freezing cold places??

3:40 AM  

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