Friday, March 24, 2006

Painting the town blue and gray

<-- Those are the Memphis Tigers. We shut out Bradley last night 80-64 to advance to the Elite Eight. And we're going to kick some butts there, too. Put that in your pipe and smoke it, UCLA. :-)

Actually, the Memphis-Bradley matchup was probably the least interesting game I watched last night. We got ahead, stayed ahead, and sealed the deal with a 14-point win. It's the other games (LSU/Duke, Texas/WVU, and UCLA/Gonzaga) that had some amazing moments. In fact, if you didn't catch the last 10 minutes or so of the UCLA/Gonzaga game, find the replay online or on ESPN. It's just ... wow.

Poor Jeremy ... I TiVoed Lost for him two nights ago and haven't let him watch it so that I can catch the games. Other Lost fans: Is that cruel and unusual punishment??


Anonymous Anonymous said...

who cares about lost, it'll be repeated at some point. The NCAA tourny is way more important.

(god, i cant believe i want to watch basketball games)

11:42 AM  
Anonymous m said...

College basketball vs. Lost?

Oh come on now. This is not even a real question is it? I mean its just so one sided. I mean the entertainment value of one completely outweighs the value of the other, doesn't it? I think its pretty dang clear what is the better show to watch and I know that most of the viewing audience will agree with me.

(How's that for a passionate noncommittal answer?)

5:25 PM  

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