Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Some people don't talk no good

Book recommendations: Anguished English and More Anguished English by Richard Lederer.

I've been dining alone while Paul's out of town, so More Anguished English entertained me over turkey and dressing at the restaurant last night. I tried my best to stifle my giggles ... but I still got a few stares from the people sitting near me.

Lederer got his info from real-life Grammar Police (e.g. court reporters, folks who read college admissions essays, etc.). That the stories are true makes them even funnier — for editors and non-editors alike.

Also, the books serve as proof that no matter how many English rules I break when blogging, my writing doesn't suck too bad in the grand scheme of things. So there.

Here's my favorite entry so far, an essay written by a New Zealand pupil:
Birds and Beasts
The bird I am going to write about is the Owl. The owl cannot see at all in the day and is blind as a bat at night. I do not know much about the owl so I will go on to the Beast which I am going to choose.

It is the Cow. The Cow is a mammal and it is tame. It has six sides: right, left, fore, back, upper, and below. At the back it has a tail in which is hanging a bush. With this it sends the flies away so they do not fall in the milk. The head is for the purpose of growing horns and so the mouth can be somewhere. They are to butt with. The mouth is to moo with.

Under the cow hangs the milk. It is arranged for milking. When the people milk the cow the milk comes and there is never any end to the supply. How the cow does it I have not learned but it makes more and more.

The man cow is called the ox. It is not a mammal. The cow does not eat much but what it eats it eats twice, so it gets enough. When it is hungry it moos and when it doesn't say anything it is because its insides is full of grass.

The cow has a fine sense of smell and you can smell it far away. That is the reason for the fresh air in the country.
Teachers, your near-infinite patience amazes me. :)


Blogger FF said...

And now you know one reason why I consume massive amounts of alcohol.

10:52 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

you see, i dont have patience for that kind of jibba jabba, so i just slap a big fat "F" on things like that.

but god damn, thats pretty painful to read, and to think, someone actually wrote that.

Hay guys, meet you new overlords, the contributers to anguished english.

11:47 PM  
Blogger angrygrrface said...

In tiny print on the bottom of the page: This essay is another fine example of a public education.

I mean, good Lord! "The mouth is to moo with"


2:38 AM  
Blogger Monstee said...

So what am the mail ox cow if not mammal? You know! It am an insect... or amphibian me always get them two mixed up. But wait, if it two have six sides, do that make it an arachnid?

Me not sure what you all talking bout. That am one of finest displays of writing skills me have ever seen! Me want to see more from this Birds and Beasts author!

...Fungus!! Ox am fungus, right?

4:34 AM  
Blogger smacky said...

All hail the six sided cow!

7:02 AM  
Blogger De said...

Six sides of cow means six sides of beef! That means a cow must have something like 100 ribs. No wonder they're so cheap at Applebees.

8:03 AM  
Blogger Slain said...

::falls of the chair in fitful bursts of laughter::

9:12 PM  
Blogger Slain said...

de man-cow is called an ox!!!

::sides hurt::

9:13 PM  

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