Monday, April 10, 2006

Actual Monday-afternoon conversation

Jeremy: Hey ...
Me: Hey.
Jeremy: Y'all hiring someone new?
Me: Umm ... check Monster. Why? Wanting a change?
Jeremy: No... ::laughs:: Someone who's supposed to start Wednesday? I mean have you hired somebody new recently?
Me: Lemme check. I have an e-mail from my boss titled "People, people, people." :p
Jeremy: Ahhhh. :p
Me: Melinda, Tiena, Darryl or David?
Jeremy: David. What's he going to be doing?
Me: He'll be my boss's boss.
Jeremy: Wow. :p
Me: Why?
Jeremy: I'm working on his PC.
Me: Right now?
Jeremy: Yep. Sitting in his office. (At his house.)
Me: The copy editor says hi!
Jeremy: ::laughs softly:: Already talked to him about you.

Yeah... that's just what I need. The new boss talking to somebody who, after 14 years, knows abso-effing-lutely every detail of my personal life, right down to where I keep my [edited out].


Blogger Chance said...

...your wooden leg.

Right? That was it, right?

1:15 AM  
Blogger Monstee said...

Drugs? Porn? Homemade sex tapes? Sex toys? Homemade sex toys? Homemade drugs? Receipts for crack? Bodies of homeless drifters that Paul have to strangle to get erection? (NO, that mean... let's leave Paul out of this!), Bodies of homeless drifters that YOU have to strangle to get in the mood? Family jewels? Collection of celebrity dolls made out of you own hair? 365 copies of Moulin Rouge (one for each day of year)? Aluminum foil hat liners? 16 year old love slave that am kept chained to wall in full body cast except for one eye, nose and nether regions? (He like it that way! No really! He does!) Dirt on all you friends that you can use to bring them all down wwith you? Golden tablet given to you by god with writing on it that can only be decoded by looking at it through a rock? Child born of Satan? Flowers in the attic? Velvet picture of Elvis that cries? Do-it-yourself stigmata kit? Tiny little house made out of legos that you keep just in case you shrink down to 1 inch tall? Moonshine still? Complete Klingon outfit? Princess Laya slavegirl outfit? 517 reams of paper fully describing in detail the events before, during and after each and every time you masturbate? Hide-a-key?

1:34 AM  
Blogger smacky said...

It's like dirty Match Game!

My first guess was "dead bodies," but Monstee's guess that the bodies are leftover "marital aids" pushed it so far beyond where I would have gone with it that I'll just say "Asian porn."

Will you be posting the correct answer?

7:26 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

it was my spare wooden leg

7:09 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i mean... its my detachable spare vibrating wooden-leg-like object.


7:13 PM  
Blogger Kate said...

Oh crap! You mean my husband knows where I hide it, too? Oh the horror...

7:14 PM  

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