Tuesday, April 18, 2006

And what about the Ten Commandments??

Yay for lossy images ... but I just had to share this. Found it and took a screencap while I was poking around Google News today for interesting local stories. In its defense, GN is powered by a (usually) very intelligent bot. But, come on, what are we saying here?
  • Voters must wrestle with sticky rules and Moses's Red Sea-parting rod? (I'd like to see him part the muddy Mississippi with that thing.)
  • Moses will lead Katrina victims through the desert for 40 years on a quest to find the Promised Land? (Land of milk and honey? Try the land of Hurricanes and beignets!)
  • Voters can elect Moses as Supreme Leader, who will then visit the 10 Plagues of Egypt upon Michael Brown, FEMA, and all of Washington. (Yay for boils! And frogs! And locusts!!)
  • Or, perhaps, Moses caused Katrina — a theory that merits more study, considering that some crazy people think that Katrina took on the form of a 6-week-old fetus as it trampled over the evils of New Orleans. (See original blog post here.)
Hmmmmm... theories?


Blogger angrygrrface said...

At first I just muttered "Jesus Christ" but no, no you're talking MOSES here.

8:19 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

yeah, this isnt any of that new school crap. Its all OLD school!

10:16 AM  
Anonymous Sandy in Texas said...

OMG! You're in Memphis!? I'm going there RIGHT NOW!! (Saturday April 22 thru April 30th!) Sorry I haven't commented in a while, I've been really busy! How are ya?

Sandy in Texas

11:26 PM  

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