Monday, April 17, 2006

Consider this Jeopardy fodder

Six random factoids
(and a cute picture of Fred)

— Women's hair is less dense and grows more slowly than men's. And it grows even slower than that if you just got a bad haircut.

— Four elements are liquid at room temperature: mercury, bromine, gallium and cesium. (Although not an element, it's worth noting that ice is also a liquid at room temperature.)

— Cats purr at the same frequency as an idling diesel engine. Fred purrs as loud as a diesel engine, but doesn't smell as bad anymore since she got her flatulence problem under control.

— Beethoven, Mozart, Schoenberg, Schubert, Stravinsky and Wagner were all 5'5" or shorter. I don't know the height of my favorite composer, Haydn. Also: Chevy Chase, Conan O'Brien, and Clint Eastwood: each 6'4"; Craig Kilborn, Ryan Stiles, Howard Stern, and Nikola Tesla: 6'5"; Michael Jordan: 6'6"; Hulk Hogan and Joey Ramone: 6'7".

— 1,084 is the first English number listing all five vowels in order. Witness: One thousand eighty four.

— Honey doesn't spoil. Well, unless you leave the honeycomb in. Oh ... also, honey contains minute amounts of temperature-resistant spores of Clostridium botulinum. So if you're planning on being completely anaerobic for long periods of time, watch out for botulism. ::grins::

Anyone have any un-pertinent facts you care to get off your back?


Blogger Rumour said...

ummmm marconi created the radio... but lets not get into that....Nice cat.

8:18 PM  
Blogger Monstee said...

Honey (without honeycomb) will spoil IF you let it crystallize so much as the liquid stops being a super saturated solution and has room for mold or bacteria to grow.

Marconi was a HACK!!

Sharks are the only animals that do not suffer cancer. Even when introduced into their system, the cancer cells die every time.

Thomas Jefferson invented Mac & Cheese.

Me am Monstee!

10:51 PM  
Blogger smacky said...

A tag team match with Hulk Hogan and Joey Ramone on one side, and Mozart and Wagner on the other would RULE!

8:41 AM  
Blogger Slain said...

Kate ~ Fred looks lovely in that pic ;)

7:11 AM  
Anonymous Sandy in Texas said...

What a cute pic of Fred!

11:33 PM  

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