Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Cough cough, sputter sputter

Bad news: I just found out I have a sinus infection and bronchitis.
(Stupid springtime.)

Good news: I get one of my three medications FREE. Yay!


Blogger Monstee said...

Yay free drugs!!!

1:38 AM  
Blogger angrygrrface said...

Sorry you're sick! Feel better and I hope your free drugs get you high enough to forget you're sick.

4:41 AM  
Blogger De said...

Do any of them feature advertising involving a football being thrown through a tire?

8:35 AM  
Blogger Kate said...

Bad news part 2: With insurance, my prescriptions cost just over $177.

Good news part 2: The free drug is hydrocodone. Like Vicodin. So, yes, I'm high enough to forget I'm sick -- at least until I cough up my spleen.

I lubs you guys! ^_^

2:23 PM  

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