Fibbing for a good cause
Poetry time! Slashdot ran a piece today on Fibs, poems based on the Fibonocci sequence. It's the perfect example of geek artistry.
If memory serves, FF is more of a Fibonacci nerd, while I always had a thing for Nikola Tesla (close second: that crazy cat Tycho Brahe). But fortunately, you don't have to know much math to write a fib. Just the first six numbers of the Fibonacci sequence: 1-1-2-3-5-8.
Here's mine, a poem based on the emotional near-breakdown I had in my driveway last night. (It's okay; it has a happy ending!)
MyAnd now for something completely different:
Last night
Was wearing
Somebody's collar.
Oh nevermind, it wasn't you.
A few friends and I got together last night to see a big shot high school buddy briefly gracing us with his presence in Memphis. We've all moved on with our lives (well, mostly), but it's nice to find out we all have so much in common that we'd probably be friends even if we hadn't known each other a decade ago.
This was the best photo of the bunch. Don't know what's being pointed at because I was just trying to get my camera to work. (Err, I suppose I shouldn't say it's the best photo, because they might be kind of offended that their legs are more attractive than their faces.) I keed! I keed!
I think we should all be thankful that we have moved on to bigger and better things. Too bad we all had meltdowns along the way.
It was fun!
In addition to attractive legs, those people have lovely hands, too.
What a great poem idea! I like yours!
Marconi was a HACK!!!
Tesla am the MAN!!! Any dude who just walking down the road, get an idea and draw out alternating current in dirt an WAY to cool!!!
Monstee ~ ROFL
Kate ~ Fibonacci, eh?? whatever next..
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