Wednesday, April 19, 2006

A little puzzle-lovin' goodness

Hey, you people who used to play Puzzle Donkey with me? Yeah, you know who you are. I really want to start mushing up my brain again, and I don't want to do it alone. And for those of you who never started PD, don't think you're exempt. Please play. Please, please, please? Working together really helps, and I can't work together when I'm all alone.

But wait! There's more!

There's another really good reason to be brain-bending right now. Google has paired up with Sony Pictures to promote The Da Vinci Code film, which starts May 19. A 24-day puzzle-a-thon began April 17. Puzzles become more difficult as the May 11 deadline approaches. The first 10,000 people to finish get a replica of the Cryptex used in the film AND proceed to a five-puzzle final round. The first one to crack all five puzzles wins a $128,000 prize pack (European trip, 40" LCD HDTV, laptop, GPS, etc.).

Who's in with me?


Blogger De said...

I am intrigued, if only for a shot at using my noggin' to win a big TV and visit my relatives.

9:33 PM  
Blogger De said...

Okay. I just completed the first three puzzles and this is kind of fun. Count me in!

9:58 PM  
Blogger StargazerGirl said...

Ahem, Monstee, I think she's talking to us. Sure, I'll play, but as we all know I'm really crappy at it.

Give me an IM sometime when you're at it.

10:09 PM  
Blogger FF said...

hmm.. May 19th.. that sounds like a good day for a party.

10:36 PM  
Blogger Monstee said...

What ya mean again? As far as me knew we as still doing it! Me not seen you IMable for while so me just thought you was busy.

WHENEVER me can get on line at good time for you, me will be there!

2:31 AM  

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