Sunday, April 02, 2006

Paul's Safety Tips for Hail Storms

In case you didn't know, there are some pretty serious thunderstorms moving through the central midwest part of the nation tonight (Missouri, Tennessee, Arkansas, Kentucky, and probably some others). But, thats not what's important.

We managed to get some hail at our house, and we were looking out the front door and saw what looked like a VERY large chunk of hail on the sidewalk strip of grass of our lawn. Kate said, and i quote "OMG OMG OMG THATS A HUGE PIECE OF HAIL, ITS LIKE A BASKETBALL" and me, in my infinite awesome observing skills, said "Where, i don't see it."

To solve this massively important dilemma, i suited up in my ultra protective gear (Umbrella) and ran out to see this garbage can size chunk of hail.

I was sad when it was only a piece of broken plastic. But i perservered in the face of the horrible weather, like Anderson Cooper, and all those hurricanes. I'm so brave.

P.S. Enjoy the awesomeness that is my post while you can. Kate returns tomorrow, same bat time, same bat channel.


Blogger Kate said...

Man, Paul, nobody's going to believe you wrote that post! You actually used capital letters AND punctuation marks! O_O

(He's been working on his research prospectus for days. Guess that's improved his writing ... and fried his brain to the point where he thinks the tornado siren is a "play outside" siren.)

10:45 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

WooHoo!!! Me am anonymous!!! Me am posting here cause it seem fitting that each of posting here have anonumous comment and Kate already use her name.

3:12 AM  
Blogger smacky said...

The question now is: Where did a basketball sized piece of broken plastic come from?!? Did it fall off a plane???

11:48 AM  
Blogger Slain said...

Paul ~ u seriously need to consider da entertainment business, pal.

or iz it jus' Kate-ness rubbing off on ya?? ;)

6:41 AM  

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