Saturday, April 29, 2006


Things Paul and I need to do this weekend: Mow the yard. Edge the yard. Pull up from the garden those funny-looking plants I don't recognize. Wash the dishes. Shop for groceries.

Things we've actually accomplished: We've eaten omelets. He's gone to the lab. I just finished The Da Vinci Code, which I started reading yesterday.

He says it's been a long time since he's seen me devour a book that fast, which is true, but at the cost of completing some serious yardwork and household chores. Perhaps we should hire a maid ... you know, in the interest of keeping our priorities in order.


Blogger FF said...

I have a yard man. Best $60 a month I ever spent.

I want to borrow your DaVinci code now that you have finished it.

8:37 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

ff - we will trade the davinci code for the name of your yard man

(we drive a hard bargain, i know)

11:54 AM  
Blogger FF said...

Here's a hint-Go to random church and ask if anyone is looking for a way to pay for the summer mission trip. Then say, well they can cut my yard and I will help them pay for said trip. Works every time.

9:40 PM  
Blogger smacky said...

Missionaries are soooo poor. You can make them do all sorts of degrading stuff for money. We had one mow the lawn in a speedo and a ski mask, just because we could. And it was winter and snowing, so the mower kept cutting off.

9:55 AM  

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