Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Slice 'em, dice 'em, any way you like 'em

Something Awful yesterday had a transcript of a Cutlery Corner episode that's just too funny.

My favorite part of the transcript:
"Look at the finish on these tridents."
"Those are the tridents that Gladiators and…and…"
"Gladiators and Mermen use, but with a professional mirror finish. I mean look at it."
"Look at it, like it's liquid metal."
For the uninitiated, Cutlery Corner is a knife sales show on PAX network. I caught it on TV once while channel-surfing and found it absolutely fascinating. It's like QVC for crazy people. Crazy bug-eyed people who like knives.

It's definitely worth gawking at. You can access the Cutlery Corner main page here, but it's much more fun to watch live streaming video of today's show or a Webcast of yesterday's show.

Among the amazing double-edged deals: $85 for this 33-piece set titled Outdoors With Humor. Outdoors with humor?? What does that mean anyway?


Anonymous Anonymous said...


GONNNA BUY ONE RIGHT NOW! price be damned

7:51 PM  
Blogger De said...

Maybe it's a set of knives with hilarious pictures of decapitiation and disembowelment on them.

11:21 PM  

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