Monday, May 22, 2006

Birthday and post-birthday shenanigans

I am never taking a half-day off work again. Never. I was so far behind when I came into work this morning that I spent all day stressing out more than normal. And that's a lot.

But I can take comfort in the fact it'll all be over soon. I had some vacation days to use up before the end of the month, so I'm taking Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday off. Combined with Memorial Day Monday, I'll have a six-day weekend. Take that, stress. (Oh, and a temp will be filling in for me while I'm gone so I don't get reamed with work next Tuesday.)

I spent my birthday weekend doing absolutely nothing (save for a Paul-Kate birthday party with our families at Texas de Brazil). I intended to see Over the Hedge and The Da Vinci Code. I also intended to buy groceries and wash clothes. But, alas, I just lounged around feeling justified because it was my birthday (and the day after my birthday, and the day after the day after my birthday).

Paul and I played a lot of New Super Mario Bros. on our Nintendo DSes. There's this mini-game in which players blow up balloons and float Yoshi to a boat in the sky. (Farfetched? Never!) The mode of blowing up the balloons: the DS microphone. If you want a giggle at my expense and can drag your mind out of the gutter for 14 seconds, imagine two married twentysomethings holding a handheld game to their faces, blowing frantically into a microphone. Turns out I'm much faster at blowing than Paul, but he says it's not how fast you blow, it's whether you finish.

And that, my friends, is a motto we all can embrace.


Blogger smacky said...

Turns out I'm much faster at blowing than Paul, but he says it's not how fast you blow, it's whether you finish.

Truer words never spoken. And this gets my vote for filthiest post of the week. Enjoy your six-day weekend! That's awesome. I'm taking Friday off, so we'll have a four-day weekend, which isn't too shabby either.

7:03 AM  
Blogger smacky said...

Oh, and HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Welcome to the slide to 30. Don't worry. Each birthday feels the same as the one before. Anything after 21 doesn't matter anyway, until you hit 40, I guess.

7:04 AM  
Blogger angrygrrface said...

dude, happy late birthday miss kate! glad you can blow faster than paul.

4:01 PM  

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