Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Cheese and quackers

Long holiday weekend...

Trip to St. Louis...

Hanging out with friends...

... Maaan, it's hard going back to work — especially when it seems the pile of stuff to do is growing exponentially. I lurve my job, I really do, but I suffer from Grass-Is-Always-Greener Syndrome: "Oh, how much better would it be to move? Or travel? Or go back to school?"

And yet I know if I were in any of those situations, I'd be missing my nice, stable editing job. It's challenging, it has variety, I get to do research and number-crunch — I'm doing everything I love to do. But going back to work sucks. Can I get a witness?

On our way home from StL Sunday night, the Vue kinda borked. It was having major acceleration issues and felt like it was stuck in first gear. I was afraid it was the transmission.

But as far as car issues go, this one was about as good as it gets: (1.) We were two miles from home when it happened and were able to get it to the house and parked in the garage. (2.) The Saturn dealership was open on Memorial Day, so we were able to get it to the shop right away. (3.) We're AAA members and got free towing from our house to Saturn. (4.) It was the transmission harness line — not the transmission! — which only set us back about $350.

That car has been good to me. We've talked about trading it in for one of the new Vue hybrids, but how could I give her up when she's so safe and reliable and full of happy memories? Good logical reasoning, eh?

Ooh, check out the ducks that were in our yard the other day. Ducks? In suburbia?? It's like Over the Hedge ... but in real life! :-D

The kids next door had already thrown a bunch of duck-enticing bread into the yard (Thanks, kids! We appreciate you attracting millions of ants toward our house!), but the ducks didn't seem too interested in the bread. Instead, they were kind of hanging around the sprinkler. (See sprinkler pic here.) Smart ducks — I liked the sprinkler when I was a kid, too. Now we just need to set up a mallard-worthy Slip 'n' Slide and they'll be all set for summer in the South.


Blogger De said...

Ducks are awesome. There's a duck family living in and around the pond here at the office. Just stay away if ducklings are around - learned that lesson the hard way.

7:38 AM  
Blogger smacky said...

De is now missing his pinkie toe, so heed his warning!

7:59 AM  
Blogger angrygrrface said...

Have you asked your employer about AFLAC?

3:48 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

fucking bread, brought in some crows too.

as far as trading the vue in, im kind of thinking on it too, it doesnt make much sense currently as the alternative fuel market really sucks, we should probably wait for the winner to show up, then switch out.

also - quack quack - shuffle walk shuffle walk - quack quack

4:24 PM  
Blogger Monstee said...

Me had ducks outside cave one summer. Then they leave and all me had was yard full of duck poop.

4:50 PM  
Blogger Monstee said...

Really! FULL! (latterly full)

Damn ducks.

4:52 PM  

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