Monday, May 15, 2006

An extremely short post because I spent too much time playing with SQL today and came home from work tired and frustrated

Paul presents his prospectus tomorrow. Send good luck wishes and happy thoughts.

Google was supposed to e-mail all the participants on May 15, and I haven't yet received a yea/nay from them.

I bought some cool beads over the weekend at BeadFest. Pics later.

Fred may or may not have a post-op hernia.

But, again ... and most importantly ... Paul presents his prospectus tomorrow. Updates at once.


Blogger De said...

I got a giant nay from Google. I'm sure your chances are much better.

12:47 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Interesting website with a lot of resources and detailed explanations.

3:18 AM  

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    So ... tired ...
    Mario Bros. Comes to Life
    Hello money ... goodbye money
    What's a "vet"?
    Itching to see live music
    What cultural divide?