Friday, May 26, 2006


[Edit: Fixed.]

Ferox, De, SGG, Grr, Monstee: De dropped me a note earlier saying he was having trouble accessing his site. All of your sites are down. I don't know why. Your sites are hosted by the same people who host Kate's Ink and Snotty Paws, so I don't know why you are experience technical difficulties but we aren't.

I've made sure everything's OK on our end (i.e. that our bandwidth usage is under control and that the domain names haven't yet expired). I'll contact the host later so they can poke around to see what's wrong. Until then, hang tight. I'll keep you updated.


Blogger StargazerGirl said...

There must be an internet conspiracy against us all...

10:32 PM  
Blogger De said...

Thanks Kate!

12:10 PM  

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