Thursday, May 18, 2006

TV, tapeworms and other random things

Paul and I got hooked on, like, three prime-time shows this season, which is three more than last season. Thank god for TiVo. So I've been catching up on my season finales:
  • Law & Order was surprising, but in a cliched, this-happens-every-season kind of way. Paul and I had a lengthy discussion about how various female ADAs have been killed off. Except Serena wasn't killed off. She was a lesbian, and that's about all I remember from that season's finale.
  • NCIS was disappointing all around. I hate stories in which the resolution is saved for the last five minutes and then, hey guys!, it's happily ever after. This wasn't happily ever after, but it reeked of "Let's wrap this up, guys," syndrome. Bah. (Tangent: I especially hate movies and TV shows that end with the screen going blank, then those little epilogues popping up: "John moved to California, became a successful investment banker, and had three kids." [ goes blank...] "Mary followed her dream of going back to college and earned two degrees in animal husbandry." [...blank again...] "Tom received two life sentences and was shivved to death by another inmate. Detroit was never the same.")
  • Amazing Race 9 was fantastic. I cheered. I yelled. I high-fived. The stupid frat boys got what they deserved. Yay for intelligeek hippies! ^_^
Now that the season's all wrapped up, I can get back to my video games. Paul and I picked up New Super Mario Brothers tonight, but I've got to pry it out of his hands before I can play it.

Oh! Archie McPhee is discontinuing their sale of Parasite Pals merchandise, so pick some up while you still have a chance. You know you've always wanted a Tickles the Tapeworm lunch box. If you don't know what Parasite Pals is, visit and learn all about their Engrishy goodness: "Tickles the Tapeworm: Great friends we are to the extremity. Love me tapeworm!"

Okay, off to bed. Got a half-day off work tomorrow, which means I'm going to be cramming all the work into half the time ... which means I need some sleep. But, hey, getting a jump on the weekend is worth it.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

pry it from my hands?!?!?

pffft whatever, you were all like, no really go ahead and play, and i said: mmmmk

also, NCIS beats out CSI because they dont over use stupid crap, like getting a GC-MS identification of all kinds of BS in like, 1 min. But, NCIS did use it once this season, and i was all like, oh maaaaan, did they have to do that >:(

11:56 PM  
Blogger De said...

We (meaning Emily and I) too are slowly getting through the plethora of season enders thanks to TiVo.

The networks can cut out this "super-size" or whatever BS anytime. It screws up the TiVo scheduling, cuts off the end of the show, and pretty much just pisses me off. It's happened three times already with Gilmore Girls, The Office, and Smallville all getting the one- to two-minute axe before the end.

Grr. Argh.

8:01 AM  
Blogger StargazerGirl said...

Hey you, Happy B-day! Getting old, you are, chica. :) ;)

5:17 PM  
Blogger angrygrrface said...

I was screaming while watching the last episode of the Amazing Race. I was totally cheering for the hippies. I actually got out of my chair and hugged my poor mother when they won.

11:59 PM  

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