Wednesday, May 03, 2006

What's a "vet"?

This is the blissfully ignorant face of one who doesn't know who a "vet"
is or why she's going to see one in 36 hours. We're trying to acclimate
her to The Great Indoors ... with hilarious results. Last night, she
broke out of her room. Broke out! ... She'd make a good cat burglar.

An update on Mean Teen Kitty Queen: Apparently, she's Derf's owner and
can't tell the difference between her cat and ours. Duh. She's plodded
by our house on her little scooter a couple of times without
acknowleding us or Fred. Her scrappy little dog ran in front of my car
last night and was almost flattened. Was I that irresponsible when I was
her age?

Plenty of non-cat things to say, but it's getting late and I'm tired of
typing on the SideKick. I need tips on converting my indoor-outdoor
stray into an indoor-only cat. Heard I should leave a radio on. ... You
guys have any other (or better?) ideas?


Blogger Monstee said...

On Tuesday, March 21, 2006 - you blogged "Just as I surmised, it didn't take long for Paul to fall in love with the little furballs. He's told me they can come inside as long as they don't stay the night."

NOW it am "converting my indoor-outdoor stray into an indoor-only cat"

Just goes to show how furry face can cause even a doctor to fold his position.

2:25 AM  
Blogger Slain said...

Kate ~ i know someone who has the exact same look on her face! scary.

7:27 AM  
Blogger smacky said...

While I've never had to force an outdoor cat to be an indoor cat, since we have two cats, here are some tips:

(1) Toys. Something to keep Fred occupied when you're gone. My cats love the little mice made with rabbit fur. (I assume it's rabbit). They sell them in 9-packs.

(2) Paul may need some time to get used to this idea, but... getting two cats was a great idea for us. They keep each other company during the day (when they're not sleeping in the sun), they snuggle together, and play together. Fred, being used to seeing other cats all the time, may miss companionship.

(3) Getting her "fixed" will take a bit of the urge to roam out of her. It's a good thing.

I'm glad teen nut is just retarded and can't tell cats apart. She's catist. All cats don't look the same, bitch! You think all cats know each other too?

8:48 AM  
Blogger angrygrrface said...

My indoor-only cats hate staying inside. I'd say, yeah, keep him occupied with toys and stuff and hopefully, it'll grow on him.

5:58 PM  

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