Wednesday, June 14, 2006

The Mount St. Helens of Chocolate

Last night, I baked a cake ... sorta.

The photos and recipes looked yummy (though I did have some mild reservations the recipe is so unhealthy that I might as well be cooking a big pile of whale blubber). But I bought all the ingredients anyway, greased one of those nifty silicone bundt pans, and got to work.

Paul and I finished mixing the batter, poured it into the bundt pan and put it into a 350-degree oven for a frickin' hour. Do you know how long an hour seems when your entire house smells like chocolate?

Got the cake out, let it cool for a few minutes, then went to flip it into a Tupperware cake holder. And it exploded. I'm not kidding. Molten chocolate magma covered the counter and the stove and the cake holder and everything else in a two-mile radius. It was horrible.

Paul only had a half-hour before he had to go to the lab, which we spent scraping, wiping, and washing. Oh, and laughing at ourselves. How serious can you be when you're covered in melted chocolate?


Blogger De said...

You know, this is the sort of thing that usually kicks off a letter to Penthouse magazine.

8:16 AM  
Blogger Slain said...

im glad it didnt explode with u 2 close to it!!!!

love chocolate cake, but thrilled that my b-day did NOT feature one. fer once.

9:29 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

you know: silicone elastomer holders are probably not meant for cakes that weigh a good 10 pounds. The mold was BULGING at the bottom - that probably was not a good starting sign. The bad finishing sign was the molten chocolate all over the stove

1:08 AM  
Blogger angrygrrface said...

Chocolate volcano: an easy A on a 5th grade science project.

3:25 AM  
Blogger smacky said...

How serious can you be when you're covered in melted chocolate?

Thank God De was the first to make the pervy joke, because that's where I was gonna go.

7:23 AM  

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