Wednesday, June 28, 2006

What's everybody looking at?

Paul -- Here are your "girls" together /and/ playing nicely! You'd be
proud of me -- I've only gagged and puked one during litterbox cleaning
duty! Boy, I sure miss your help! Texas sucks anyway, so hurry up and
come home.

Past two days have been so busy, as in
"get-your-butt-out-of-the-house-and-quit-blogging" busy. Tonight, Mom
and Dad took pity on me being home alone (well, they said they just saw
it as an opportunity to spend time with me), so we went out for fish and
chips, followed by Theatre Memphis' performance of "Cats." The cast
certainly did it justice. Thoroughly enjoyable. I always cry when
Grizzabella ascends to the Heavy Side Layer. Every. Single. Time.

Now I'm laying in bed with the SideKick. I'd love to type more, but not
on this miniscule keyboard. And I'm tired, anyway. Not going to get any
rest, however, as long as I'm hearing random crashes and rustles from
the living room. Kittens never sleep, do they?


Blogger angrygrrface said...

Kittens only sleep when you're not home. The rest of the time, they devote to annoying you. Yay kittens!

12:49 AM  
Blogger StargazerGirl said...

Yeah, what Grr said. And kittens also have the tendency to sleep when you don't WANT them to sleep. We put Daisy in the Master bathroom overnight as a kitten to keep her out of trouble. :P

10:23 AM  
Blogger smacky said...

That's ironic, because the bathroom is where one of cats can cause the most trouble! She unrolls toilet paper, plays in the sink, and sleeps in the tub.

5:59 PM  
Blogger Monstee said...

When me was little monstee we had cat that we had to keep OUT of bathroom because it would invariably fall into toilet and then you got scared wet cat running around and flinging toilet water all over you cave... and you laugh so hard it hurts!

3:42 AM  

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