Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Work hazard?

Look! Water's dripping out of that pipe in the ceiling, and it's kind of close to all those cords on the wall. Ooh, umm, and spiders are coming down the pipe, too. Where's the Kleenex? Gotta kill 'em. No, I didn't want to wait for you to determine if it's a brown recluse, but yes, I'm glad you believe its legs were too long.

Oh, hey, water is coming down the wall now. And into the hallway. Bet it's condensation from the new air conditioner installed above my office a couple of days ago. And more spiders? Guess the workers stirred up a couple of nests upstairs, too.

I, err, I think I'll just leave my office for a while. Thanks for mopping.

Wait ... what did you say? The water's not from the air conditioner? The upstairs toilet is overflowing? Through the bathroom floor and the roof into my office? Well, I'm glad you say it's clean water. And I agree that calling a plumber might be in order. And the exterminator.

Oh, look, there are paper towels in the hallway soaking up the last few drips of water.

And the "clean" water is brown.

And there's another spider.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

spiders and poo, wHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHC7hat a combonation!aQH


11:17 PM  
Blogger angrygrrface said...

The best way to get rid of spiders: cover them with ammonia and smash them with a golf club.

1:53 AM  
Blogger Monstee said...

No, best way to get rid of spiders am to fling hands high in air and run from room screaming like little girl. Find place out in open where nothing am touching you and weep for 5 or 10 minutes telling anyone who ask that there am HUGE UGLY spider trying to attack you. When you go back... they almost always gone.

About that brown poo water...
It could be worse!, it couldn't.

3:38 AM  
Blogger De said...

Are you like a plumbing disaster magnet or something? First it's the bathroom across from your office, now it's the bathroom upstairs. If you ever decide to give up editing, sewage treatment might be an option.

12:47 PM  
Blogger StargazerGirl said...

Bathroom disaster magnet? Maybe this is why your toliet upstairs runs?

Brown water? How gross...

10:06 PM  
Blogger Slain said...


i love spiders..send them o'er here, pls.

12:03 PM  

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