Wednesday, July 05, 2006


Let's review: I have to go back to work today, I didn't sleep well, my allergies are bothering me, it's raining ... and I have to go back to work today. But I have lots of things to be thankful for: I'm happy, I'm healthy, I've got Paul and my family, and I love my job.

However, that doesn't make it any easier to go back to work the day after a holiday. ::sighs::


Anonymous Anonymous said...

you should have taken a page out of my book and worked on the 4th ^_^

4:45 PM  
Blogger Chance said...

Kate, I feel the same way. The first thing I said to my coworker when I arrived this morning was, "We should have a half-day the day after a holiday. A noon opening would be about right."

6:45 PM  
Anonymous m said...

Do what I do...
When that feeling hits you and it's so hard to go back and get into the groove, remember that there are quite a few people out there without jobs to go back to. Kinda puts it in perspective and can make you thankful just to have a job.

3:47 AM  
Blogger angrygrrface said...

Sorry you've got to work :(

1:28 PM  

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