Sunday, July 23, 2006

She's so COOL!

Johanna and Matt came over last night for pizza and low-stakes poker. We were each in for $8, and Matt -- who played only three hands -- bankrupted the rest of us in less than 20 minutes. Feeling a little bruised by my quick loss, I suggested we move on to other games:

First up was Imaginiff. "Imagine if Johanna were a power source. Which would she be? 1. Wind; 2. Solar; 3. Steam; 4. 9-volt battery; 5. Coal; 6. Nuclear." (Most popular answer: 9-volt battery. My answer: Wind.)

Next was the Game of Life. Paul was a gay doctor with three boys who turned in his stethoscope to become a superstar. Johanna was an artist-turned-travel agent who won a dance contest and the Pulitzer Prize. I was a police officer with a six-figure salary who made $100,000 building a better mousetrap ... twice. Matt was a drunk accountant who was elected president and was paid $50,000 to swim the English Channel. The game was so realistic, it was downright eerie.

But the best game of the night was Trivial Pursuit '90s edition. Favorite question: "In 1997, what credit card was packaged with Cool Shoppin' Barbie?"

Correct answer: Mastercard. Paul's answer: Diners Club.

Diners Club? Diners Club?

Like omigod! When I grow up I wanna be just like Barbie, flashing my DC all over town!! She's so hot! She's so trendy! She's super-hip among the hip replacement crowd! (Hey, apparently Jesus carries it, too.) Edit: Link appended to original column.

Man, I bet Paul would kick butt at the Diners Club Game. Maybe we'll play it next week.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

look damnit, Diner's club was the first credit card and there was some other reason the answer made since. How was i supposed to know that barbie would sell out to mastercard instead of going with the DC


3:48 PM  
Blogger Johanna said...

Considering no one under the age of 80 carries a Diner's Club card. And considering Barbie weighs 12 pounds soaking wet, I kind of doubt Matel would want to associate her with food! LOL.

Oh my God, what a funny post. I swear last night was so damn hysterical. I can't believe how much I laugh when we all get together.

7:30 PM  
Blogger Matt Presson said...

What Would Jesus "Diner's Club"?

It's a question we would all do well to reflect upon.

And, Teddy Savalas kinda looks like Destro.

2:09 AM  
Blogger smacky said...

I thought Telly Savalas advertized for Player's Club. "Player's Club, Baby! Tell 'em you saw it on the Telly."

The real Telly Savalas for Player's Club

Jim Carrey as Telly Savalas for Player's Club

7:42 AM  
Blogger angrygrrface said...

Did you have the Career Barbie (I think her name was)? You pushed a button on her back and she said "Saving money is smart" "I can't wait to go dancing with Ken tonight!" and "Let's have a meeting!" I bet a woman like THAT would carry Diner's Club. Probably mace, too.

12:31 PM  

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