Thursday, July 13, 2006

What I'm trying to say is... wait, no, I mean...

Tonight, I cooked zuppa Tuscana with gnocchi. Tomorrow, I attend a seminar on reading financial statements, then try to slam together the last remaining data on Q2 mortgage activity. I live such a thrilling life, huh?

All month, I look forward to SQL. I wait for it and plan for it and Yay Numbers! But it starts to wear me down (try thinking solely with the other half of your brain for a while), and I begin to wonder if anybody notices or cares about any of it. I start second-guessing why I bother looking forward to it at all. And then, before it's over, I'm wishing it wouldn't end and anticipating doing it again. It's the hardest -- and most enjoyable -- part of my job. Not sure anyone likes having 25 spreadsheets shoved their way ... but I sure like putting them together.

But I'm not exaggerating when I say it really fries my brain. Today, I was trying to say rhetorical question, but all I could think of was reciprocal. And a downturn in filings became a breakout in filings, which doesn't even make sense, but was the best I could come up with at the time.

Somebody make me feel better by telling me their stupid vocabulary brain farts, please.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

doing the super report tires me out more than working in the lab ^_^

10:48 PM  
Blogger angrygrrface said...

i make so many vocabulary mistakes that i just forget them immediately. at least you're not making up words.

1:51 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I find some information here.

4:03 PM  

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