Wednesday, August 23, 2006

National Punctuation Day 2006

[EDIT: I'm an idiot. NPD is September 24, so there's still plenty of time to plan a celebration. My bad.]

Thursday is National Punctuation Day, a day in which we lowly copy editors contemplate the comma, admire the apostrophe and ponder the parentheses. (Go here for the good, bad and ugly.)

Some editors might see National Punctuation Day as a good time to debate the merits and vices of Strunk and White. Not me. I'd much prefer to put my editing skills to use – and I want you to help, Memphians.

After work tomorrow, my coworkers, my red pen, and I are making our way down to Flying Saucer Downtown (130 Peabody Place), where I will order a fine bottle of Lindemans Kriek.

... Then I'm going to ceremoniously draw an apostrophe between the "n" and the "s" on the label.

... Then I'm going to open the bottle and drink it.

I'd appreciate your support in my efforts to make the world a more correctly punctuated place by joining me at Flying Saucer Thursday after work and helping me celebrate. :-)

P.S. If you're not in the Memphis area (e.g. most of you), help me celebrate virtually by taking the punctuation mark personality test. I'm a period, as described here.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

well how bout that, im a period too! (.)

8:57 PM  
Blogger Matt Presson said...

Question mark, for the record.

2:39 AM  

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"Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go." - T.S. Eliot

    Garbage in, garbage out
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    Doctors, babies, and Elvis ... All in one post!
    Sleepy Sunday afternoon
    The argument was pointless, but I was still right
    Turn your head and cough
    Classic Paulisms #1
    It IS August, right?
    So, Kate WANTED to post, but i won't let her.