Thursday, August 31, 2006

Oh no you didn't, girlfriend!

Mom always told me to watch what I say, because chances are somebody is always listening. Who knew it could be the entire cable TV-watching public? O_o

[Edit: For those who hadn't seen this on the news (or Letterman!), CNN's Kyra Phillips left her mic on while she took a bathroom break during President Bush's speech in New Orleans on the one-year anniversary of Hurricane Katrina. The whole story is here.)


Blogger smacky said...

Yeah, that has kept us giggling all week. Calling your sister-in-law a CONTROL FREAK on national TV is bad enough, but when it becomes a story the other networks cover? Well, there's no chance her sister-in-law hasn't heard it now. Ouch.

And of course the emberassing flush and ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZIP noise. Do all women have discussions while on the can? All the men in my office have an unspoken "No Talking In the Bathroom" rule.

8:19 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i also go by the strict "No talking in the bathroom rule as well"

its weird when a professor starts talking to you about mexican coke...

7:54 PM  

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