Saturday, August 19, 2006

Weekend fun: Staying home, blowing bubbles

Paul and I ventured out of the house today (for lunch and to buy sheets for our new king-size pillowtop visco-foam mattress). Didn't take long for us to get all tired-ish, so we came back home and took a nap.

Too bored to stay in the house; too tired to leave.

The doctors have made it quite clear that I should be in the hospital on an IV, with the infection and the asthma and all. I think they're being overdramatic. Maybe I shouldn't have been going into work every day, but without any proof I was sick (e.g. fever), I couldn't justify staying home.

I've made a list of what to take when. I've finished the azithromycin and Bidex, but I'm still taking Prednisone, Mucinex, Singulair, Flovent, Levaquin, Duo-Neb and Keflex (on top of my regular medicines). And I've had two horribly painful can't-sit-down-afterwards shots of Rocephin. The worst is the nebulizer. I actually have a machine at home now that I have to breathe through three times a day for about 10 minutes at a time. I'm really really ready to be over this, even if I lost an additional 11 pounds between Aug. 9 and 18 just from being unable to eat.

Paul and I have passed the time by playing a lot of NES-era Bubble Bobble. I lurve me some Bubble Bobble! Only problem is that there's only ... one ... song ... and ... it ... plays ... over ... and ... over ... and ... over ... making for a rather monotonous auditory experience. It's going to be stuck in my head all night.

And when we beat Bubble Bobble -- if we beat Bubble Bobble -- we have a lot of other great NES games we haven't played in years: Spy Vs. Spy, River City Ransom, Burgertime, Mike Tyson's Punch-Out, Tiny Toon Adventures, and at least a dozen more. We've turned our breakfast room into our NES nook, with an extra TV, love seat and La-Z-Boy, and cool artwork (a framed Spongebob Squarepants and a retro metal sign that says "Reality is for losers who don't play video games").

Hey, any other Bubble Bobble fans out there? We've done levels 00-99 and gone through the secret door and now we're on level A3. How many more levels are there??


Anonymous Anonymous said...

i bet the levels go through F9 or some crap like that.

Then - it will say the princess is in another castle. At which point ill be all like - what the hell buddy?!?!?

11:12 PM  
Blogger Chance said...

I'm sorry you're sick. Lots of liquids and video games are needed.

11:47 PM  
Blogger De said...

Bubble Bobble is a terrific game, but I can't play it very well. Same for Burgertime and Mike Tyson's Punch-Out.

The only games that come easily to me are flight simulator-esque games like Ace Combat and Robotech: Battlecry. But that's probably because I've spent 3500 hours in actual simulators and 400 hours of actual air time. Yeah, I was a real airplane geek in high school.

1:38 PM  
Blogger angrygrrface said...

There is this Punch Out that you can download, and some very sad person edited it to somehow make all your opponents' pants disappear. And it looks like the guys REALLY like to fight.

10:46 AM  
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