Friday, September 01, 2006

Meet the human pincushion :D

Good news first! I'm going to spend Labor Day out of town! I need a break from my life for a couple of days, so Paul and I are going somewhere. Anywhere. I don't know where.

I had my weekly "Am I well yet?" bloodwork today. My white count was back up. Stupid stupid stupid. >_<

I've been referred to a hematologist/oncologist who specializes in hematological cancers. I'm past the scared phase and into the "Gah, all this bloodwork is annoying" phase. I'm going to do my best to not worry until my appointment Thursday morning. As far as I'm concerned, this is just to rule out leukemia, right? Right?

Okay, so it's time to start planning where we're going this weekend. Some place fun, I hope. :)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

yeah - the best way to get it ruled out is to go to a doctor that knows what to look for.

its a good move - i'll be there

7:52 PM  
Blogger StargazerGirl said...

I'll be praying for you. Let me know how things go, I haven't heard from you in forever.

I don't guess Jacksonville is on your options for places to visit for Labor Day weekend.

10:53 PM  
Blogger Slain said...

i trust, u have pics with which 2 depict said holiday, in said locale [[tries not to burst out laughing]]

hei, im here..e'en if i dont have supernatural healing powers [[quizzical brow]] not that i know of, anyway.

[[soft hug]] talk 2 us soon, ja?
and say hi to yer guy 4 me :)

9:27 PM  

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    Oh no you didn't, girlfriend!
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    My food speaks to me
    More bloodwork
    National Punctuation Day 2006
    Garbage in, garbage out
    Weekend fun: Staying home, blowing bubbles
    Doctors, babies, and Elvis ... All in one post!
    Sleepy Sunday afternoon