Monday, September 11, 2006

Post-shower rundown

The shower was a lot of fun (dare I say, it was even a success)! Several of us from the office pooled our cash and bought a Pack 'n' Play. I have been told it is a cradle, changing table, and carrier all in one. The Web site also says it has a vibrating mattress and electronic lights and sounds. Pretty swanky for a newborn, eh?

His name is going to be Colby James. ^_^

Oh -- notice the book she's holding: Love You Forever. Anyone else have that book? It's a tearjerker. "As long as you're living, my baby you'll be."

I feel more tired than normal today. Things around the office are very busy and seemingly a bit tense. I know it's probably just my imagination -- it wouldn't be the first time I've been branded paranoid. ::grins:: Eh, I guess EVERYthing's got me on edge. I wish Corporate America granted worry leave, much in the same vein as maternity leave and bereavement leave. I'm functional, but I'm not up to snuff. Some worry leave might do the trick until I get my test results back.

Then again, I guess I'm always worried about something, but this something is more important than other somethings about which I might worry. Mmhmm.

Hey, no matter what happens with anything in life, I know I've got the big things figured out. So if I move ... or change jobs ... or break both my hands and can't edit or play my piano anymore ... or even if I'm really sick or not so sick at all ... yeah, I know that I'm surrounded by love and support.

A few months ago, Mom was telling me about a time before I was born (Dad calls this B.K. -- Before Kate) when Dad was having a rough time at work and was afraid of losing his job. Fortunately, he didn't. But her mantra during that time was: I am not afraid.

I am not afraid. Except I am afraid, but I'm trying really hard. Help?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

if it was me, i would probably do everything in my power to forget about the coming weeks. Sometimes, i am successful, but more often, i am not :)

8:46 PM  
Blogger angrygrrface said...

Please don't be scared, Miss Kate. Things will work out the way they are supposed to, but until then, relax. Worrying will do nothing but stress you out.

Also, I don't think you should take worry leave, even if it's offered. Then you would have nothing but unlimited time in which to worry. Try and keep your minds off things as much as you can. Learn to knit. Take a dance class. Paint an entire room in 2" X 2" squares.

And remember to breathe. Here's a long-distance hug and a prayer for you, Miss Kate. I hope you'll be okay.

9:38 PM  
Anonymous m said...

If we could take the worry away and keep it for ourselves, I know that any one of us would, in a heartbeat. Unfortunately, this is something you must go through. But not alone. You are far from alone. You are loved and have many friends. Always remember the quote:

“Good friends are like stars....
You don't always see them, but you know they are always there”

Oh, and also:
"Some friends are like bras...
close to your heat and there for support."

I don't like the second one as much cause it also sounds like they're touching your boobs.
I guess it they were friends with privileges...

6:08 AM  
Blogger smacky said...

"As long as you're living, my baby you'll be."

Did Yoda write this book? Though I guess technically Yoda would have said "As long as living you are, my baby you'll be."

How about a distracting question? What's a song you're a little ashamed to admit you love?

Mine is "Wannabe" by the Spice Girls.

8:03 AM  
Blogger Kate said...

Hands down, the most embarrassing song is "Tarzan Boy" by Baltimora

10:42 PM  

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