Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Random thoughts while watching South Park

It's Wednesday night.

I was the last one out of the office -- Tuesdays and Wednesdays are so busy. The wind was blowing from the west, which meant I could smell the Mississippi River instead of the Wonder Bread factory. But the wind was also carrying the sound of the HoneyTribe concert in the park. I drove slowly by the park with the windows down. I didn't stop.

It's been a long day. My cat -- I mean, he lives with my parents now, but he's still my cat -- is sick. He's almost 19 years old, so that's expected. I didn't cry in the office (well, at least not much), but I was all tears by the time I got home. It's not as if he hasn't been sick before. I actually found out this morning. Mom e-mailed to tell me to prepare myself for whatever happens. I called her later; she told me she'd sent an e-mail because she couldn't talk about him without crying. The cat, Boots, has dropped about half his weight in two months. And his big sister, Prissy -- also about 19 years old -- won't eat because he's sick. Sigh. Fred and Joe remind me so much of Boots and Prissy. I guess the legacy goes on.

I cooked chili for dinner. Well, kind of. I mean, it had veggie meat in it, which is cheating. We don't handle meat. Yuck.

I've got to rip a couple of CDs to the iPod and e-mail a chick I knew in high school who found me on MySpace and is now a nurse in Dallas. All that should take my mind off work and cats and being sick and all that. Oh, and this episode of South Park will help, too.

I should get my lupus test results back in the next couple days. And then, in a short but unspecified period of time (I won't give specifics because I don't want people breaking into my house and stealing my root beer), I will be leaving for the beach. :)


Blogger smacky said...

When you say "We don't handle meat" do you mean you don't physically touch it or you don't ever, ever, eat it?

8:17 AM  
Blogger angrygrrface said...

Have fun at the beach! Remember to wear sunscreen :)

5:26 PM  
Blogger Johanna said...

Oh, God, that's the worst. I hate when pets grow ill. I'll be praying for them.

7:12 PM  
Blogger Monstee said...


3:13 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

raw meat can be such a pain in the ass. its easier to just buy it elsewhere fully cooked

2:47 PM  

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