Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Annoying things about Halloween '06

1. The girl who came back to my door three times, I kid you not. And she didn't even change costumes.
Me: You're back?
Her: Yeah!
Me: For seconds?
Her: Yeah!
Me: . . . . .
I gave her more candy. I didn't know what else to do. This is why I'm not a parent.

2. The painful realization -- painful to me, at least -- that Joe is afraid of going outside. And the doorbell. And children. I have never seen Joe scared of anything ... except this ... and I've got the battle wounds as a souvenir.

3. Feeling old. I saw this little chica dressed in '80s garb: legwarmers, neon striped shirt, punk rock black gloves, pink streaks in her curled-up hair. Black eyeliner and bright pink lipstick. I remember when that was actually cool. Now it's a costume. It's karma. I never should've dressed up in my '50s poodle skirt or '60s hippie garb, then gone around and flaunted it in front of people who actually remembered the '50s and '60s.

... But yeah, that girl who wanted three pieces of candy, that's pretty annoying.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

next time, lets give her a piece of "coal" from the fire place.

9:00 PM  
Blogger angrygrrface said...

I'm so glad I don't get trick-or-treaters.

So what costume did you decide on?

11:28 PM  
Blogger Solbearer said...

pretty scars u got there.

u cud have told her a REALLY scary story. then again, these dayz u dont know how they might misconstrue it.

oh, s#rew it!

6:32 PM  
Anonymous Andy said...

I had no trick or treaters. Its a nice neighborhood with tons of families. Porch light on, jack-o-lantern lit! I think trunk or treat and all the damn malls have ruined halloween for the single people.

Now what am i going to do with all the freakin' candy?

2:48 AM  

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