Friday, October 27, 2006

Aww, man(atee)

If you've read or watched the national news in the past three or four days, you've probably seen one of two Memphis stories: The almost-nasty Senate race between Bob Corker and Harold Ford Jr. OR the very lost manatee that swam 750 miles up the Mississippi from the Gulf to Memphis.

I feel sorry for the manatee. I mean, I can only imagine how he must feel: cold, sick, separated from his herd and all alone. But when one TV station on Tuesday reported manatees are notoriously hard to catch (or, as the story says, "noriously hard to catch"), I had this sinking feeling Mr. Manatee wouldn't be sticking around.

And sure enough, he's given the slip to Memphis and SeaWorld rescuers. I hope he's okay.

One TV weatherman/punster called him the Invisible Manatee. Har har.

Also, our marine friend has been nicknamed "Hugh" -- You know, Hugh Manatee? :D Not that it's a new joke; in fact, somebody's already written a song called "Hugh the Manatee."


Anonymous Anonymous said...

poor manny,

i hope they save him,0,4486655.story?coll=orl-business-headlines-tourism

3:52 PM  
Blogger Kate said...

LOL the link died.

Here you go.

4:21 PM  
Blogger Solbearer said...

heh new avatar!!
love da hair d:

hate 2 say this, but when i see a manatee..i think Seafood for a Month

yeah, some wildlife conservationist wannabe i am [[[smirk]]]

10:33 PM  

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