Thursday, October 19, 2006

Clear your minds and visualize your Happy Place

I have post-vacation syndrome.

When I was a kid, Mom comforted me on the first day back to school each year by reminding me, "After you've been in there a couple of hours, it'll be like you never left." And she was right: That knot in the pit of my stomach went away in no time after I caught up with old friends and met new teachers.

So what's the difference between going back to school after summer vacation and going back to work after a week in Florida? Well, everything. On the first day back at school, I remembered why classes flew by -- I was having so much fun! On the first day back at work, I remembered why 10-hour days fly by -- I've got a lot to do. And it just doesn't end. But that's not a bad thing. I'm never bored and there's plenty of mentally stimulating stuff to do.

Still ... the ocean ... she calls to me ...

It's finally getting cold(er) outside -- my thermo-sensor-matic is registering at a pleasant 47F. Thought it was kind of funny how the Floridians were walking around in jackets when it dropped to about 65F. I laughed at them. Ha, ha, silly beachy folk! You wouldn't know cold if it walked up to you wearing a nametag that read "Hi! My name is Cold!" Then I came home and, whaddya know, people here are wearing jackets too.

Here's the dealio. On my way out of the office today, I was struck by a gut-wrenching thought: This is your last winter in Memphis. Gulp. The last one? For real? I'm entering the Season of Lasts -- my last quick-but-beautiful autumn, my last Christmas, my last almost-snowfall, my last sneezy spring, my last Memphis in May barbecue cooking contest, et cetera ad nauseum.

I didn't realize the prospect of leaving would hit me so suddenly ... and hard. Huge questions loom. When will we leave? Where will we go? What will I do?

Okay, time for an Internet pool. You guys predict my life in about a year, and whoever's the most accurate wins something nifty. Maybe i'll hijack the Conoco sign and replace Kevin's name with your own.


Blogger smacky said...

The good news is there are still newspapers everywhere, even in tiny little towns with no stop lights.

In one year, I predict you will be settled and happy.

Let me know if I need to get more specific, or if fortune cookie prognostication is allowed.

7:17 AM  
Blogger De said...

You will find a stray dog that you can't turn away because he/she is so damn cute. This dog's name will be Krypto, named after the superdog of the same name.

9:07 AM  

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