Monday, October 30, 2006

Don't drink the alcohol. No, really.

Been meaning to show you guys this pic for a while. The restaurant was dim and the only camera I had was my cameraphone, so if you can't make it out, the sign reads "Denatured Alcohol: Free Testing Service." Funnyfunnyhaha.

So tomorrow is Halloween, and I'm still not quite sure what I'm going to be. I'll figure it out in the morning and take a picture of myself. ^_^

And now I am off to make dinner. Minestrone with soy sausage and some spinach tortellini. Also, I'm talking to Carrie in the first time in, like, forever.

Hey, what are you guys going to be for Halloween? I need suggestions.


Blogger FF said...

So, I went to Fox and Hound to watch the UT game with some friends on a Sat night. (I know you are all saying, "Why, how NORMAL of you!") Anyway, lots of different people had costumes on, especially waitresses who looked like they had gotten costumes cast off from the nearest nudie bar. My favorite one was this 50 something wearing all black with a red lace bra and a red thong on the outside of her clothing. She had an L on her forehead (literally), and carried a U shaped pillow around her neck. She was a LOSER magnet. hehehe. Ok. um. maybe you had to be there.

12:26 AM  
Anonymous Johnny RnR said...

Chemistry jokes are funny!

2:13 AM  

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