Sunday, October 22, 2006


Johanna and I are bee-yoo-ta-ful!


Blogger Monstee said...

OMG!! Me get into you blog!!!! What me do? What me do?

Catch up on me comments! He we go!!!

-Me am sorry to hear bout you kitty. Me know how hard that am. But it sound like he have long life where he am very much loved and returned it just as much.
-You ever think you eat too much Chinese food? bed?
-Whoa! That am such great loss. But me think it am important to remember that them am just things and although some things am hard to replace, it am easier than losing person.
-mmmmMMMMmmmmdolphins.... mmmmMMMmmmblowholes....
-Yay! Glad you back... sorry you had to leave! Hey, you mom looks older then me thought and you granny am HOT!
-(no comment here. Me probably would have missed one of these... so me pick this one.)
-Last one? What me miss? Why last one? Me not know bout you life in year... but me home me am in it!
-Maaa-va-lusss Daaalink! You guys ever think of trying cobalt blue?

Phew! Whole month of comments right there! Now, no ever say me not make good party conversation!

6:15 AM  
Blogger De said...

You two can dock at my moonbase anytime you like :^)

8:54 AM  

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