Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Big metal death machines

Annoying: Being cut off in stop-and-go traffic.
More annoying: Being waved at by the offending driver.

Insult, meet injury.

... But at least I made it to work in one piece. More than I can say for these tractor-trailers that were blown off the road in Arkansas by high winds this morning.

There are days when telecommuting seems so attractive, but then I'd start missing The Closet. I'd end up sitting in my bedroom closet, typing on the laptop, waiting on the ceiling to start leaking toilet water. (And, anyway, my bedroom closet is bigger than my office, so it wouldn't feel like the real thing.)

Speaking of driving and telecommuting, I called a real estate developer this morning about one of his projects. Fantastic guy. I really appreciated him talking to me. Our conversation started something like this:

"Kate! Hey! Um, hang on a second ..." I hear him tapping away on a keyboard. He's back a minute later, laughing. "You know, I'm driving down the highway at 60 miles an hour, I've got a keyboard in my lap, a pretzel in one hand, and I'm talking to you on a cell phone in the other."

But he's a nice guy, so I'm sure he'd never cut off other drivers and wave at them.


Anonymous Anonymous said...



i cant even imagine doing all that AND driving. jeeez, thats insane.

although, it is common courtesy to wave at other drivers as you pass them. Also - getting cut off is always made better by waving.

So, "if" i robbed a store, this is what i would do, cheerily wave to the camera as i walked out, because that would make everything better

10:59 PM  
Blogger Kate said...

So, If OJ Did It, did he wave too? While wearing one glove that didn't fit?

And do you think he waved at the cops in his low-speed chase? "HEY GUYS, PLEASE TO BE PASSING YOU NOW!"

11:06 PM  

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