Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Decisions, decisions: The meeting edition

I (potentially) have a Society of Professional Journalists meeting after work today, with iDiva's Leanne Kleinmann discussing the whozits and whatzits of blogging. I presume she'll be talking about workplace blogging, et al. Interesting topic, although I avoid work-related discussion like the plague -- first of all, I feel it prudent to keep specific work-related issues to myself (ooh, even when I really, really need to vent), and secondly, I'm trying to broaden the disconnect between work life and home life when possible.

Anyway, meeting after work. Topic: blogging. And I'm not sure I'm going to go. It's not that I don't want to be there. It's just that I tend to work late anyway, and on the rare occasion I do leave work before 6 p.m., I don't want to spend my extra time in a meeting! Sigh. I'll decide after looking at my afternoon workload.

The meeting I'd really like to attend is the American Copy Editors Society conference in Miami in April. Think I can pull it off?

It's all cold and dark and raining outside. I'd vote for going back to bed, but Paul's already cooked soy chicken patties for breakfast. Man, I love those things.


Anonymous Anonymous said...


(It doesn't hurt to network it up either)

10:06 AM  
Blogger angrygrrface said...

Have fun if you do go to the meeting :) and enjoy the rainy weather. I wish people were allowed to call in Rainy, but no.

Hugs hugs.

5:07 PM  

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