Tuesday, November 07, 2006

They put the Party in "Party Politics"

Well, it's Election Day. Finally. Months of finger-pointing ads are wearing thin on my patience, and I'm ready for my TV (radio, newspaper, all other media) to be released from the clutches of political panhandling.

I'm at home -- for a few minutes at least -- before heading out to a post-election shindig, camera in hand. I'm not sure the paper will be able to use any of my photos, but I thought it would be a shame to miss out on being in the thick of things on such a big night. I mean, the big elections happen once every two years, and this year is more interesting than most.

The big race: Bob Corker vs. Harold Ford Jr. I'll save my commentary until I get home tonight (or, more likely, tomorrow morning). In the meantime, you can check out the infamous Playboy RNC ad and my favorite HFJ commercial. Two 30-second spots. If you don't have one whole minute to spare, choose to watch the RNC ad. That's some quality mud-slingin' there.

Favorite line: "Canada can take care of North Korea. They're not busy!"

Did I mention I'll be glad when these aren't on TV anymore?

Anyway, I asked Rosalind if she wanted to go to one headquarters while I went to the other. She chose Ford, so I'm off to Corker's local HQ. Ferox Femina has promised to meet me there.

So I'm outta here. Wish me luck -- I'm not exactly the world's greatest photographer. I'll give a post-party rundown tomorrow. In the meantime, what do you think of that RNC ad?


Blogger angrygrrface said...

I would vote for Ford just because that ad is kind of bitchy. Sort of like how I voted for Pete Coors because I hated those Ken Salazar ads a few years back.

1:25 AM  
Blogger smacky said...

Sorry that Ford lost. We saw that ad on "Chris Matthews" a while ago. The "nude" white woman saying "Call me!" Ugh. It was awful, like a parody ad from Saturday Night Live. How could it have been real?

Looks like a recount in Virginia, though Webb has Allen by about 6,500 votes. Yeah!

8:31 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

woop woop

democratic control of house and senate!

10:26 PM  

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