Sunday, November 12, 2006

TSO Concert surprise

Paul late last week surprised me with tickets to see Trans-Siberian Orchestra in concert last night.

It was fabulous.

Oh, I can hear you now -- "Christmas music before Thanksgiving? Wha-?" But, come on, Walgreens had booted its Halloween candy out at 1 a.m. Nov. 1 in favor of singing Christmas chihuahua dolls and Russell Stover chocolate-covered marshmallow Santas. Recall that the Halloween candy came out early too; on Aug. 6, in fact, I posted photographic evidence of a fun-size candy bar invasion.

So, in short, no. It was not too early for Christmas music. They played the entire Christmas Eve & Other Stories show, along with several pieces from Beethoven's Last Night and a couple from The Lost Christmas Eve. If you haven't heard these guys, you're missing out. Megadeth meets classical, et al., fo' real.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

OH YES - it was quite the rockin show. I caught myself head banging to the music, it was badass. It was like...METAL AND CHRISTMAS COMBINED!

How can anyone say no to fast as hell guitar and violin playing complete with seizure inducing light show - also, the pyrotechnics ROCKED.

11:28 PM  
Blogger angrygrrface said...

We've had our Christmas candy out since October 15th up here in Wyomin'. Never too early for Xmas music.

1:45 AM  

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