Saturday, November 25, 2006


Took a few days off from posting to take care of real-life things, like playing the Wii. Isn't that a good excuse? :-)

I'm also trying to beat Pokemon LeafGreen, although you don't really "beat" a game like Pokemon. You just beat all the trainers, then hang out breeding things and, hurm, "catching them all." I'm a grown woman, and I've gotta catch 'em all. Sigh.

Paul's playing Pokemon FireRed, the companion to LeafGreen. Although he's probably not as addicted as me, FireRed was to blame for us almost not getting a Wii. Where were we at midnight last Saturday? Not camping outside GameStop. Paul let his Pikachu get in the way of his Wii.

Come Sunday, there wasn't a Wii within 100 miles of our house. I know, because we drove to several stores and called many more. Disappointment set in ...

... until Wednesday. Paul found out from one of the SA goons that we could score a Wii at Costco. And, since we weren't Costco members, one of the Memphis goons (who happened to graduate from the same high school as Paul), used his Costco membership to get us in. Finally, we had a Wii. Thank God. Paul was miserable for those four Wii-less days.

I think Paul feels guilty though that I don't have my own Wiimote and nunchuck. At 5:30 in the morning on Black Friday, he was camping outside Toys 'r' Us, then Circuit City, then GameStop to snag me a set. He came home empty-handed, but it's the thought that counts.

We'll probably invite Johanna and Matt over tonight for a Wiikend bash. But first, Paul and I need to escape the glow of the TV in favor of the real world. Something outside in the sunshine. But first I must pry his fingers off the Wiimote...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

what can i say, i like to play with my brand new wii.

Ill be here all night folks, tip your waitress.

In all seriousness, Pokemon is a surprisingly fantastic game. And nintendo has its hooks firmly set within us, because the only system we dont have is the original gameboy.

1:12 PM  
Anonymous AB said...

OK scary I wonder if Paul was camping out at all of those places with my bf.....he came home wiiless too.

Thanks for the tip about costco.

10:56 PM  
Blogger angrygrrface said...

What, no Zelda?

4:52 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

we have zelda too.

ab, i might have been, what does he look like?

1:06 PM  
Anonymous AB said...

uh.. sandy blonde hair.. introverted..he was probably wearing a black visor or a blue M hat. He was very angry about the gamestop stop.

7:48 PM  
Blogger De said...

The game that almost made me seek out a Wii was Marvel Ultimate Alliance. Unfortunately, Em said absolutely not. In essence, she denied me my Wii.

10:02 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

de: if you are getting marvel - get it on PS2 or something - everything i have heard about the wii version is wii controls tacked on to a port,
in otherwords, nothing special.

Now the wii in general, awesome mcawesome

10:20 PM  
Blogger angrygrrface said...

We just beat Zelda last night (we didn't play the all the side games or anything, so it was only 40 hours). I think it has the best story line in the history of video games. Oh man.

12:45 PM  

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