Thursday, December 14, 2006

La-La-La, Can't hear your stupid news

Just got back from my 3-month hematology checkup. and, hey, it's not lupus. ^_^ I won't have my anemia tests back for a few days, but I'm crossing my fingers that the iron/B12 are doing their job.

And that's the end of the good news. My CBC is ... less than desirable. White blood count is higher than it was in September. Granulocytes are higher than they were in September. And lymphocytes are officially out of the normal range now (though not much, thank goodness!).

Chronic leukocytosis generally, and chronic granulocytosis specifically.

At this point, you should watch this happy fun-time cartoon in which White Blood Cell, defender of the bloodstream, saves Christmas. Just think! If one white blood cell can save Christmas, then I alone can save several tens of thousands of holidays! The world will love me!

So, I guess I'm dancing around the real news, which is that the super-nice doc (who, incidentally, complimented me on my pendulum necklace and asked me all about editing) told me that, should my WBC go much higher -- I have actual numbers, but I won't bore you with them -- I will have to have a bone marrow biopsy. A biopsy. On my bone marrow. Ouch.

His exact words: "We know something's going on, but we don't know what." And from now on, I keep going back every three months so they can keep a close eye on things.

The doctor made it very clear that this is a watch-and-wait situation. If anything were really wrong, they wouldn't wait three months. Still, it's annoying knowing they've got to keep running tests until they figure out what's wrong (or until I lose my mind, whichever comes first). I can scratch leukemia and lupus off the list. As long as we get rule out the really crappy diseases, it's all good.

Tonight, Johanna and I are going to the Tigers basketball game. Happy, fun, non-work, non-doctor, just plain ol' good times. Just what I need.


Anonymous smacky said...

So glad you're getting some good news on the medical front. Sorry it's still ongoing. Best of luck with everything.

7:31 AM  
Blogger StargazerGirl said...

Hang in there. Believe me, I know how difficult it is when they "know something isn't quite right. I mean, it's a "gee,thanks, I knew that already" situation.

10:10 PM  

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