Monday, December 11, 2006

So...About that

This is Paul, I am far too lazy to log out and log back in. So I will just post as Kate.

You may be wondering why Kate did not post. Well I do too, I think it was because we were busy and tired. Friday night we went to a party at Dish, it was pretty cool. Saturday night did something else (I forgot exactly what), and last night we went to the mall to do some Christmas shopping.

J.C. Penny's was having a pretty awesome sale, so naturally, we bought some stuff. But mainly for myself and Kate. I think we managed to get a christmas gift for somebody, but I can't remember.

Ok, post is over. Bye


Blogger Solbearer said...

hey Paul ;)

wondering if u might post some-chemistry stuff sometime?

that, someone with no background can get. trying to do more cerebral stuff nowadays; realized ive been spending too much time wading through no-brainers

..literally + sociallly

so, tell me what u think.

11:04 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

if kate is ok with it, i can certainly try

9:04 PM  

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