Thursday, February 22, 2007

Hey, I was on ESPN tonight!

Went to the Memphis basketball game tonight. My parents gave Paul and me their 11th row tickets, so we had a great view of the Tigers wailing on Rice to clench UM's second C-USA title in two years. And special congrats to Awesome-y McAwesome Jeremy Hunt, who scored his 1,000th career point.

It's always hard to come home after an exciting game and unwind enough to be able to go to sleep. Actually, going to sleep is bad, but waking up in the morning is worse.

And, yes, I really did end up on ESPN. My 15 minutes of fame has been reduced to at least 14 minutes, 47 seconds.

Before the game, Paul and I ate dinner at the Hard Rock Cafe on Beale next to the stadium. I'd forgotten how much the food – though tasty – is overpriced. Our waiter's name was Fro-Hawk. He really did have an afro mohawk that, believe it or not, suited him fairly well. I should've taken a picture; it's one of those things you just have to see for yourself.

You know, I've been planning my NYC trip so much that I nearly forgot Paul leaves for Chicago in a couple days. Then he comes home for a day and a half before we load up and head to New York. He gets big, big hugs for taking me out of town so soon after his own trip. But his schedule gets even busier: When we get back from New York, he turns around and heads back to Chicago.

I know all the trips wear him down, but I can't help but be (slightly) jealous he has a chance to travel so much. Oh, to be a scientist and not a research analyst who works in The Closet without a window.


Blogger smacky said...

A man named Fro-Hawk in a restaurant chain owned by the Seminole Indian Nation?


7:42 AM  
Blogger angrygrrface said...

You could always paint yourself a window on a sheet and put a lamp behind it. That's kind of a like having a real window, only not really.

9:45 AM  

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"Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go." - T.S. Eliot

    Straight dope on New York?
    Dressed for success, Kate-style
    Long time, no nutso-Kateso
    A new breed of D'oh!
    Why, I never!
    Goodbye trippy little window man
    La-La-La, Can't hear your stupid news
    Together again
    She's working undercover for The Man
    So...About that