Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Housekeeping note for site owners

Things have been pretty hectic lately, so I apologize for the lack of updates. In fact, this isn't a real update at all. Just need to address a little housekeeping issue for De, Monstee, Paul, Grr, FF, and SGG. Did I miss anybody?

As (I think) you guys know, I have become increasingly fed up with the web host for your sites. When I bought an account with that company, I was impressed with the high level of customer service, the separate cPanels for each account, and the ease with which I could set up packages for each of you, among other things. Then the spam filters started to malfunction. Then RoadRunner, Comcast and AOL started rejecting e-mails sent from our shared IP, though no fault of ours. The hosting company addressed some of these issues a while back, so I vowed to give it a second chance. Now the problems are back -- and arguably worse.

Late last year, I bought a "test" account with a different host and moved my site there. This host was quite a bit more expensive, but the company was highly recommended. My hope was to eventually move all of you over there. After a few months, I've changed my mind. While some of the features are great -- such as the awesome, on-target spam filter -- other features are less than intuitive. Also, the company uses a proprietary site management tool that, in my opinion, lacks the easy-to-use interface of cPanel.

So it's time. We're all moving somewhere together. As soon as possible. I'm 99.9 percent sure which host I am going to choose. I'm extremely pleased with reviews I've read about the company, and it has all the benefits I want: uptime guarantees, separate cPanels, and unlimited add-on domains. The only complaint I've seen so far is possibly slow customer service, which is a BIG turn-off, so I'm going to triple-check up on them before I give away my hard-earned cash monies. :)

My decision should be made in the next two days or so. Each of you needs to completely back up your sites pronto in preparation for the move. When you have finished the back-up, drop me an e-mail or an IM so I can begin the move. I will migrate my site first so I can close out one hosting account right away. (One less bill! Yay!) Paul will migrate next, and the rest of you in the order your sites are backed up. I'd like all sites ready to go in the next, say, two weeks or so.

UPDATE: Okay, the contract is signed with HostGator. Yay!

I feel like a mother when I say I'm doing this for your own good. Hopefully, you'll reap some benefit from it too. And, hey, you can't beat free. I lurve and miss you guys. <3

P.S. I've been swamped and haven't had much time to read your blogs, except an occasional post here or there. Would you please, in 20 words or less, catch me up on the last month of your respective lives?


Blogger Abigail said...

Yo.. Help me know how to el backupo my siteo.

Thanks yo.


9:06 PM  
Blogger Paul said...

you have FTP access right?

I am currently downloading my entire site, then i will upload the entire site to the new place.

10:12 PM  
Blogger angrygrrface said...

Past month: Turned 21, hate Qwest DSL, new YouTube videos, emailed you stupid questions lol.

Thanks for being an awesome blog hoster. I owe you about 20 boxes of tea by this point.

7:01 PM  

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